On social media marketing and Bedouin hospitality
Although most small, independent hotels across the globe have got our heads around the use of social media as a marketing tool, social media still represent ‘the new stuff’. We look at other businesses how they run their facebook pages and twitter profiles, we read blog posts from marketing gurus abroad and we discuss whether these hours spent on social media hopefully create awareness which in turn HOPEFULLY increase our occupancy rates. Because as a matter of fact, that’s what really matters.
Between tweets and posts and likes and stats, there is another important consideration to take. In short: Our brand. Throughout the creation of Sheikh Ali Dahab Resort, discussions have circled around the concepts of Bedouin pride and traditions, the history of Sinai and unrivalled Bedouin hospitality. We wanted the Sheikh Ali brand to be an authentic rebirth of all the ‘old stuff’ in the Sinai.
We felt confident about how to merge the new and the old in other parts of the creation of Sheikh Ali; the building, the customer service, the little touches. But how to incorporate the Bedouin traditions in our social media marketing? Eventually, we decided to hang it on the ‘unrivalled Bedouin hospitality’ hook and launched a competition where we give away a total of 22 holidays at Sheikh Ali Dahab Resort, with a new draw for every 100 new likes.
We have already had our first draw and are now full speed forward towards the second one. And just as with the Bedouin we give. For free. And with pleasure. And in full honesty and just as the Bedouin, we know we may get a return on that one day ;-)
So… please feel free to ‘LIKE’ our page www.facebook.com/sheikhalidahabresort and enter the draw of a free 7 nights stay for 2 persons b&b