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Bedouin Blog

Entries in Garda Alexander (1)



One of our friends who keep coming back to Dahab and the Sinai again and again is the artist Garda Alexander. Over the years she has engaged actively in the local community, established relationships to Bedouin families and used her skills as a trained artist in community work with young children. Garda’s paint workshops with the kids make Dahab colourful!

A mini exhibition from Gardas latest workshop can be seen in the reception at Sheikh Ali Dahab Resort. 

Now, we are delighted to let you know that the book ‘Bedouin Children in Sinai – Life and Creativity’ will be released in Berlin on the following dates;

1st August 12:30hrs @ FEZ Berlin in Wuhlheide and Literature Initiative
1st August 20:00hrs @ Tucholsky bookstore Berlin-Mitte and Literature Initiative
8th August 14:00hrs @ Adolf Glaßbrenner Elementary School Reading cellar (pre  booking required)

The book feature 154 colour illustrations and lyrics and foreword by Elmar Ledergerber. IBAN 978-3-7165-1770-3 if you’re not in Berlin on the above mentioned dates.

So all in all great news, we only wish you had some Bedouin girls by your side in Berlin Garda!